705 - 955 - 2843 chris@avidcrp.com
How much money should be in your Condominium Reserve Fund?

How much money should be in your Condominium Reserve Fund?

The short answer: Your Reserve Fund balance should at least be equal to the cost for the Condominium Owners’ usage of the common elements to date. The long answer: The Act Requirements The Condominium Act (Ontario) (the “Act”) requires that the Corporation collect...
Building Owners Guide to Short-term Rentals

Building Owners Guide to Short-term Rentals

Short term rentals are the new trend for condominium owners everywhere to make money off of their unit. Owning a condo development is by no means a “walk in the city park”, and there are many acts and code of ethics that you need to be living by. Avid...
Top things to consider for a Reserve Fund Study

Top things to consider for a Reserve Fund Study

Demystifying The Reserve Fund Study After years of working as a reserve fund study specialist, what I’ve learned is that it’s one of the least understood financial documents in the world of property management. And I’m never surprised. Mostly legal and accounting, a...